From Backup Restore Strategy To a Physical To Virtual Technic
Being in holidays, I was called in an emergency for an Ldap database restore because an application was no more running. The fact is, even if we had an image of disks of the physical server hosting the...
View ArticleSecuring Your Windows System
Today, increasingly people are using their computers for everything from communication to online banking and investing to shopping. As we do these things on a more regular basis, we open ourselves up...
View ArticleOptimize Disk Usage And Increase Windows Speed
Disk and Disk Cache are heavily used in all Operating Systems, and specially Windows. There are some easy things to keep in mind and do to Optimize Disk Usage and thus Increase Windows Speed. I will...
View ArticleVirtual Infrastructure Et Enregistrement De Serveur ESX
Le Client d’infrastructure Virtuelle (ou Virtual Infrastructure Client) permet la gestion centralisée des serveurs ESX, en plus des possibilités de VMotion, et d’autres fonctionnalités. Il arrive que...
View ArticleIntroduction To DNSSEC : DNS Security Extensions
DNSSEC (short for DNS Security Extensions) adds security to the Domain Name System (DNS). In fact, DNSSEC was designed to protect the Internet from certain attacks, such as DNS cache poisoning. DNSSEC...
View ArticleMe2Everyone : New Place For Chat, Shop, Play, Watch…
Something incredible has arrived! I just became a shareholder in me2everyone and I never had to pay a single penny for the shares! It can only be described as the gold-rush for 2009. This company is...
View ArticleWindows Scripting : Deux Utilitaires : WUInstall Et Export
Deux Utilitaires pour les mordus des scripts sous Windows : WuInstall et Export.Le Premier est destiné à installer les mises à jour Windows en utilisant des scripts. Le second, bien pratique pour les...
View ArticleMost Useful FireFox Plugin For Web Developers
Web Designers and Developers always find difficulties in putting all design, plugins and page components together. With Firefox we have the ability to extend its functionality using extensions. There’s...
View ArticleInstallation Des Outils VMware Sur Fedora 12
J’ai téléchargé VMware Workstation 7 pour la tester surtout avec ses nouvelles possibilités – ‘installer des ESX 4 en machine virtuelle entre autres. J’ai testé l’installation d’une machine virtuelle...
View ArticleRéactions Européennes aux Failles d’Internet Explorer
Suite à la publication de son bulletin de sécurité le Jeudi 14 à propos de son navigateur historique Internet Explorer, Microsoft se retrouve face aux réactions de l’Office fédéral allemand pour la...
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